Robinstown Great

Four Poster Stone Circle

Marked as standing stones on the map, the four orthostats at Robinstown Great is a genuine Four Poster. They form a quadrangle, roughly 5x4 metres. The stones are graded in height from the tallest stone at the north-west, it stands 1.6 metres high, to the smallest at the SE at only 0.7m high. The SW stone is 1.4m high, and the NE is 0.85 metres. About 14 metres to the south-west is a 0.8 metre high outlier.

In the centre of the quadrangle is a huge lump of quartzite. The orthostats appear to sit on the brow of low hill, but the top is actually further to the south west, the farmer informed me that during ploughing the soil around that area was found to be burnt black. He also told me the quartzite block had been moved on several occasions.

An old photo shows the quartzite block situated between the four poster and the outlier, and on some images taken in about 2006, the block is missing. When they realised the quartzite block belonged to the circle they moved it back to its present position. To add to the confusion there are a few other smaller stones present at the site, possibly field clearance. This is a working farm, the farmer, a friendly man, asked me not to share the location.

Situated: In Robinstown Great, County Wexford. The nearest large town is New Ross.

Discovery Map 76: Last visit June 2019.


Latitude: N

Google Map

Photos: Jim Dempsey.

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